Monday, April 07, 2008

Lucky Guy

Well, the first leg of my journey here has begun. I was supposed to fly out of Vancouver Sunday evening except the plane had a 4 hour snow delay in London. So, actually, we didn't leave until 12:15 or so. A funny story...

When I was booked in by the travel agent she must have placed me in the emergency aisle to give me more leg room. I didn't know this so when I checked in the person behind the counter had a strong accent so I thought they were asking if I knew the emergency procedures. I thought it to be strange but went along with his questioning and was about to explain that I have read those plasticised cards several times when I realized he was asking if I was willing to help people since I was sitting in the isle. I felt like an idiot. Well, he was so impressed that I did get an emergency isle seat that he brought it up several times. He also gave me a food voucher due to the delay.

Anyways, I made it through security and got something to drink using the voucher. I then was talking to Richard Barcaly (who just happened to be on my flight and was the person who actually bought the land that the church in Uganda built upon, but that is another story) and he asked me what seat I was in. Well, I pulled a ticket out of my pocket and it read $10 food voucher. I had given the vendor my boarding pass! Long story short, I got the pass back by cutting in a large lineup and once again bumped into the ticket agent who was impressed by my seat. He took my ticket while saying "oh, its the lucky guy" kidding...I was on my way

2 Responses:

-geoff stewart said...

You misplaced a piece of paper??? NO WAY!!!!

BTW- Your room is a real mess, you should clean it up one of these days.

talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

At least you didn't lose your passport. We were almost missed our flight from Prague to Venice and despite that I still left my passport in the security check. I realized I didn't have it as I was boarding. I ran back and got it. I guess were both lucky guys.